Zund Press Cutting Tool – PCT for corrugated board


    High processing speeds and high-quality results equal to die cutting: The PCT tool cuts corrugated cardboard up to 7 mm thick and simultaneously compresses the material with a special glide shoe.


    The Press Cutting Tool has been developed for economical cutting of corrugated card- board up to a thickness of 7 mm. During the cutting process, a specially designed glide shoe compresses the material along the cut lines. The pressure exerted on the corrugated cardboard enables the use of drag knives and facilitates high processing speeds.
    At the same time, this processing method ef- fectively prevents the raised edges and ridges that can occur when using an oscillating tool for cutting corrugated cardboard.
    The resulting cut quality equals that of die cutting, which makes the PCT ideal for creat- ing premium folded packaging and POP dis- plays from corrugated cardboard.
    An adjustment screw on the tool shaft allows for quick, easy, and very precise settings for how far the glide shoe presses into the ma- terial to achieve the desired amount of com- pression.
    As an additional benefit, the PCT, compared to powered tools, is very quiet and cost effective to purchase and maintain.