Zecher App updated with tracking tool


With the Zecher App the company made their mark on the digital transformation of the printing industry at the beginning of the year. The company launched updates to the app regularly. Most recently the update with a tracking tool. With this function users are now able to keep track of the status of their rollers and sleeves while they are at Zecher. No matter whether new production or reconditioning. They can see that their rollers are in production, that production has been completed or that they have been shipped. “With the new function, we give our customers an even more transparent insight into the current status of their Zecher products,” says Thomas Reinking, sales director. “The increasing user numbers show us that we are on the right track with the app. We already have a few more highlights in the pipeline.”

The informative content of the app has been expanded by embedding videos and current news, which can also be seen via guest access. The app is available in the iOS App Store and Google Playstore. Direct links to both platforms are listed at www.zecher.com/zecher-app