Vice: a leading company in chemical products for the corrugated cardboard industry is in continuous expansion


Founded in 1999 in the fertile landscape of the Venetian industry, Vice is a champion of “made in Italy”, in the chemical products sector for the corrugated cardboard industry. The company philosophy combines passion, training and skills gained over the years in the research and study of products, through tests, laboratory simulations and continuous monitoring

Experience combined with laboratory research and the commitment of highly specialized technicians are the basis of successes of Vice, which today is the leader in Italy in the paper and corrugated cardboard sector, in a continuous challenge that leads it to go beyond its limits.
The production site in Villorba, on the outskirts of Treviso, avails itself of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification, is defining the BRC environmental certification and boasts its own internal laboratory, directly inserted in the production cycle, which is completely autonomous.
Omar Mori is co-owner and sales manager of Vice: his 20 years long professional evolution has been inextricably linked to the growth of Treviso-based company. A job that has always fascinated him and that leads him to confront himself with other collaborators. A united team involved in a stimulating challenge based on everyone’s skills that aim, with determination, at entrepreneurial success.
Mori, an established and respected professional, knows every secret of Vice’s success, which holds a market share that exceeds 80%. Growing up through various experiences and roles at Vice, he is the best witness of the evolution that led this Treviso-based company to establish itself on the Italian and European market and then conquer with extreme awareness and preparation also international market.

Quality, autonomy and development
Autonomy and dynamism represent two of the main strengths of the company, applied to procurement of raw materials, processing to obtain the finished product, to its delivery and to order traceability.
The wide range of services and direct assistance accompany the customer, right from the first contact, and offer him a line of personalized advice. Each cutting-edge solution guarantees the greatest economic advantage to customers, as well as targeted interventions by trained and competent Italian and international technicians.
Furthermore, an attentive after-sales service responds effectively and quickly to every request. The search for quality in highly performing products that meet customer needs goes hand in hand with improvement, experimentation and exclusive formulas.
Since early years, Vice has implemented an investment policy to consolidate and expand its business. Its reference market continues to expand in parallel with the growth of the group of collaborators who bring value, know-how and creativity. Each professionalism effectively affects the evolution of the company which, in this way, can distinguish itself from its competitors and establish itself in a global and complex market such as that of corrugated cardboard.

Chemistry and environment
Following a trend that is involving all the main countries of the world, the logic that guides every Vice activity is eco-sustainable. The research chooses to rework raw materials with low environmental impact which, where possible, can reduce the danger thresholds to almost zero. From this point of view, the company has identified, for example, a wide range of alternative solutions to powder borates, a detail that effectively describes the R&D department, which has always been committed to introducing new solutions that respect and protect the environment.


Growth and new challenges: CCE International on the horizon
With this in mind, Vice will take part, for the fourth time as a historical exhibitor, at trade fair CCE International to be held in Munich. The development of the company, on the other hand, does not stop and coincides with the inclusion of four new professionals, now already active in the administrative field, in the R&D sector, as technical support in the Italian market and commercial secretariat.
Another novelty concerns the location: after the opening of the new headquarters (6000 m²) in 2017, the administrative and commercial offices will be further expanded (500 m²). The new spaces will be ready and operational next spring.
Finally, an important anticipation: between autumn and winter a project will be consolidated to provide greater support and attention to logistics and customer services. Vice’s social channels will describe all the phases, gradually revealing the realization of an exciting idea.