Vetaphone iCorona, the heart of surface treatment

    Vetaphone’s iCorona generators are the technologica heart of the company’s surface treatment systems

    Often it happens that in one machine is just an unglamorous technology that really makes the difference: speaking about iCorona we give the possibility to step into the spotlight to a technology that stays always in the backstage!
    One corona treater is much like another, right?  No, it is wrong, because, apart from the unit that delivers the electric discharge, it’s the power behind it that sets it apart from the rest. Her we speak about Vetaphone’s latest generation of iCorona generators is a preview to the company’s upcoming promotion of this technology, with its unique inherent benefits.

    As with so many aspects of technology, the part that is on show is always the best known and attracts the greatest attention. Surface treatment is no different in that respect, but with Vetaphone, it’s the beating heart at the centre of the system that sets the Danish pioneer’s technology apart from all of its competitors – and that heart is known as the iCorona Generator.
    Modular in construction, iCorona is designed to be efficient, upgradable and easy to maintain to offer the high degree of future proofing that today’s changing market demands.  All of the important electronic components are built into one easily accessible module that means servicing is quick and simple, which makes for smoother running and longer life, as all vital parts in the module are updated to the latest technology.

    And, all this comes within a very compact generator that has a small footprint to cater for today’s crowded production floor and is uniquely CE approved for Europe and UL listed for both the USA and Canada.  The advantage of this is obvious – with approval across all continents, Vetaphone can build iCorona generators without needing to know their final destination, which means delivery is quicker and there are no issues relating to type approval or power requirements, which typically sees 50Hz used in Europe and 60Hz in America.  iCorona caters for both and its technology also includes a unique patented resonant feedback system that automatically matches the Corona to the substrate being treated.
    As befits market leading technology, Vetaphone’s iCorona generator is easily controllable.  Its standard iCC7 panel is intuitive and compact, making it user-friendly for all operatives.  There are plenty of interface options to provide centralised set-up and control from the main machine HMI.  The benefit of centralised HMI is that it allows one operator to oversee production, including several lines at the same time.  Vetaphone provides free software advice during implementation of the interface, which with graduated feedback provides the operator with only the information required at that stage – although full details are accessible at any time.
    The story of a proud pioneer ensures that Vetaphone customers benefit from systems that are a perfect blend of innovation and proven technology. So the iCorona generators in operation around the world can truly be considered the ‘beating heart’ of surface treatment.