Umanex: first free portal for researching human resources in the corrugated cardboard sector


Nexpack, in the constant search to provide consulting services and modern supports to companies, has created the first free online portal for the search of human resources exclusively available in the corrugated cardboard and packaging sector, for companies and qualified candidates: – We talk about it with Francesco Pagliarini, general manager of Nexpack and Giada Bosco, back Office Planner

Umanex is the first Italian portal, created and conceived by experienced professionals in the corrugated cardboard sector, dedicated to the search for human resources for this sector. A sort of job search and find, a meeting space between supply and demand for work, available to companies but also to single workers who can find a safe place in this platform where they supply and demand can match. Nothing new on the horizon, they are in fact well-known solutions that have existed for years, but no one had ever thought of this kind of solutions specifically dedicated to the corrugated packaging sector. In fact, from a market analysis conducted by Nexpack, there are no similar experiences in Europe, so we can say that is an absolute novelty, even for the Italian market.

The portal has been online since March 18, the result of a project conceived and developed by Francesco Pagliarini, general manager of Nexpack and his collaborators, primarily Giada Bosco responsible for the Back Office management for Nexpack, and also involved in the Umanex project.
“The first sensations, albeit heterogeneous, are good, in some ways unexpected, even if the portal is primarily a tool available to companies in the corrugated cardboard and packaging sector, it will need, like all novelties, time and adequate running in but we are only at the beginning”, says Francesco Pagliarini.

Nexpack, active on the market since the end of 2017, has its headquarters in Lucca and an operational office in Parma, is a multidisciplinary advisor for corrugated cardboard companies, multinationals and SMEs, integrated companies, corrugated cardboard producers and box factories that unites vertical managerial expertise (of corrugated cardboard & packaging matrix) to the transversal ones achieved in several sectors.

Giada Bosco

“In this initial phase, absolutely embryonic, we give support with the Umanex customer service team for the registration procedures, which I remember being mandatory for both companies and candidates, and advice on using the portal even if it is extremely user friendly. Obviously, we only give support to candidates for privacy reasons via e-mail. In any case, after a few days of life I can say that the feedbacks are positive and that companies, also in consideration of the particular contingent moment we are experiencing, plan their advertisements with a certain degree of gradualness”, adds Giada Bosco.

Face to face with Francesco Pagliarini, general manager of Nexpack

Francesco Pagliarini

Can you tell us what the genesis of Umanex was?
“Umanex project was born because, as Nexpack is a specialist consultancy player in the sector, we realized that making available to companies and packaging professionals a space that represented a functional and modern way to search for more qualified human resources, it was a useful and highly innovative proposal “.

What is the goal of your portal?
“Umanex’s goal is to concentrate in a dedicated space, a sort of job place, the companies of the corrugated cardboard world – packaging and profiles, for the most part of sectorial extraction, in those flows that are created for research in HR area”.

What are the advantages of using this portal?
“The advantages are, by reconnecting with what was illustrated above, in identifying in less time and at no cost, because I remember that the use of the portal is free, the most qualified resources in the field interested in evaluating job opportunities, thus avoiding dispersion and the non-relevance to the job requirements that characterizes most of the most well-known HR portals, being generalists, by doing a volume job, while Umanex focuses on quality and not quantity, pursued by generalist portals”.

Answer me sincerely: behind this project and Nexpack is there any foreign national or multinational group, perhaps in the digital world or in the HR field?
“Absolutely no! The concept is entirely by Nexpack and completely Made In Italy which, in this type of projects, is not a trivial detail, also given the great importance of data processing, thus guaranteeing absolute security and privacy, with secure and certified protocols”.

As for the candidates, why should they use Umanex in the area dedicated to them?
“It is true that Umanex has the primary objective of allowing companies in the sector to place their search advertisements, however we also wanted to dedicate an area for those professionals who wish to show off by proposing their skills and, therefore, willing to evaluate the desirable interest in them in companies possibly impressed by their experiences and skills”.

Definitely an interesting project, the one launched by Umanex, which we will continue to follow in the coming months, perhaps telling you some successful case histories that have been finalized thanks to this new service, which in any case could also be proposed at European level in the future. Why not, never set boundaries, especially in successful projects!