The collaboration between I&C and H7Group continues with the development of a special aluminum cutter


    Despite the anomalous situation generated by Covid-19, I&C and H7Group have nevertheless managed to develop a project for a new slitter-rewinder.
    It all started in early February with the request by an Italian converter of a machine for cutting aluminum coils with a thickness of 8/80 microns. The I&C-H7Group technical team accepted the challenge of working in tandem, with the designers in smart working and with the engineers on site, collaborating on the project and starting production.
    The slitter-rewinder is now ready and represents a one-of-a-kind, very compact solution for the accurate cutting of bare or printed, lacquered and embossed aluminum. The machine has a central drum double shaft and can handle coils of 1,000 mm in diameter and 1,400 mm in width, reaching a speed of 600 m/min and ensuring accurate tension of the material to eliminate undulations which would damage it.
    The software has a “user friendly” interface, with features suitable for the new industry 4.0 standards, and can manage an archive of 10,000 jobs.
    A pre-delivery test was recently carried out at H7Group plant in the presence of the customer, who was widely satisfied with the new slitter-rewinder that offers performances that exceed his expectations. Delivery is expected within the month of May.