Studio Enne: when sustainable flexo is a “life business”!


Studio Enne foto eventoPresent on the market for 23 years, Studio Enne has been under the limelight since last November, when it distinguished itself by winning Atif’s BestInShow, with a high quality work, obviously made with a sustainable production process. Because for Studio Enne sustainability is the first indisputable value, and it has been since the first day of its presence in the flexo market.

Success never comes by chance, and this claim is even more true today for the flexo prepress service Studio Enne of Castel San Giorgio in the province of Salerno, which last November was awarded, together with its customer, the printer Flessofab, the BestInShow award by Atif, an important Italian recognition of excellence. A success that surprised everyone, but not Vincenzo (Enzo) Napoletano and Anna Nacchia, a couple in work and also in life, owners of Studio Enne who have always believed they could produce high quality wide web with sustainable matrixes in the world of flexo, demonstrating that important goals can be achieved thanks to know-how and the human factor.

“When processes and new technologies are born, they are never perfect and Enzo is by far the person who believed more than anyone else in this project. The biggest investment was his time and his energies, making skills, competences and experience available with the goal/dream of realizing something positive for his company and for others. Doing “Business of life”, that is offering one’s contribution to the growth of technologies in favor of the environment”, says Anna, and adds that “in this process, a special thanks goes to all the staff of Studio Enne, who believed in our ideals, that became also their mission”.

Precursors of a “flexo based on nature”

Studio Enne COMPOSIZIONEToday Studio Enne is the only service in Italy that produces flexographic printing plates exclusively with sustainable technology. Founded on a green idea and the passion of Enzo Napoletano, who has invested in this direction over the years with the aim of demonstrating that high quality can be achieved on wide web even without the use of solvents.

“The start was the most difficult moment. Today, however, all of this has turned into a significant advantage, because the result of excellence that distinguishes us is an added value, the result of perseverance, passion and years of research in combining this matrix through latest generation software and hardware processes”, says Enzo Napoletano.

In recent years, Studio Enne’s production capacity has been doubled and continuous investments have led this small company from Campania to grow in size with an increasingly meaningful presence on the market: an important Italian company in terms of quality and green innovation. A result that boasts the ESKO HD FLEXO quality certification, the only one in Europe obtained on wide web with sustainable Dupont Cyrel® Fast matrices

An appeal to technology partners: “invest in R&D for thermal technology”

Studio Enne COMPOSIZIONE 2Sustainability represents for Studio Enne a transformative force of the company and is convinced that synergy is the key to walking faster “on the basis of nature”. “To grow in this direction it is necessary to push in several directions. Partners are essential to invest in development and research on new technologies and, today more than ever, their presence is extremely important to expand and develop these results in favor of the environment in all printing sectors which include the world of converter. A rapid and synergistic intervention of all the partners is needed because the evolution of the market clearly shows us that times are increasingly reduced and in a few years the discomfort will be felt, especially in sectors such as corrugated cardboard. Considering our personal experience we believe that each flexo plate, at least up to a thickness of 2.84, should be developed with the thermal system, totally eliminating the solvent, given the results obtained. This does not exclude our commitment to research and support new technologies and products in favor of the environment”, says Enzo Napoletano. For him thermal technology, if properly developed and supported by investments from suppliers, could have even more success at global level.

To date, this is the technology with the greatest margin of sustainability, managing to reduce VOC emissions by 99.7%, with energy savings of 63% and the guarantee of a safer working environment.

Sustainability is a path that requires everyone’s collaboration

Studio Enne Produzione lastra

Avoiding any kind of discourse on sustainability in the broadest sense, but wanting to photograph the printing market, it is clear that in companies there is a growing desire to review their processes, seeking at every stage to insert new procedures, technologies or materials that can contribute to the construction of an increasingly sustainable production process.

“Today in Italy only about 10% of printing companies uses sustainable polymers. An alarming figure if we consider that the matrix is the first product for printing, it is clear that something in the system needs to improve. We need to change forma mentis, provide training and information, from the production department to the press room, aiming and giving ever greater confidence to young people who, with their innate ability to see the future in a different way, represent the right drive for change. We are well aware that starting is always the most difficult moment, but the experience gained over the years with this process allows us to better support our customers both in wide and in narrow web, with customization strategies, building tailor-made paths to facilitate and speed up the printing departments”, concludes Enzo Napoletano.

“Collaborating in technological growth in favor of the environment is an essential choice of coherence towards a sustainable future, a duty not only towards one’s own company but also towards the generations to come. This has always been our only direction, undaunted, decisive, radical. It is the lever that has made us a different company, able of giving substance to the slogan ‘business of life’, which represents the essence of our nature”, claims Anna Nacchia, aware that everyone must do their part.

BestInShow at Studio Enne: recognition of sustainable quality

Studio Enne, assieme all’azienda di stampa Flessofab, ha vinto il BestInShow 2022; questa vittoria ha aperto le porte degli FTA Europe Diamond Awards 2024 che si svolgeranno il prossimo anno proprio durante Drupa, e che porteranno la qualità sostenibile di Studio Enne a una visibilità internazionale.

Studio Enne, together with the printer Flexofab, won the BestInShow 2022; this victory has opened the doors of the FTA Europe Diamond Awards 2024 which will take place next year during Drupa, and which will bring the sustainable quality of Studio Enne to international visibility.

“You never expect to get on the podium. The most beautiful word was ‘well-deserved’, combined with the joy and emotion of those who have lived this journey with us. I sincerely thank and congratulate all the people who have been part of this success. We are certainly the expression of a different production philosophy and being able to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain high quality wide web through sustainable technologies is the greatest victory”, comments Enzo Napoletano.