Sonora plates are the centerpiece of sustainable product offering by Kodak


Instead of the traditional process in which a plate is run through processing equipment, Sonora plates enable printers to set the image on the platesetter and go directly to press. It’s a much more environmentally friendly approach that eliminates all processing chemicals, water and excess energy and waste coming from plate-making process.

There is currently no real alternative to these plates, which thanks to high quality thermal exposure and the total elimination of processing increase productivity, simplify operations and cut costs by reducing the number of activities foreseen in the plate preparation cycle. All this without a processing equipment, since the plates can go straight to the press, where a special coating technology and the physical properties of the press prepare the plate for printing during normal start-up procedures; in addition, the user can better control the processes by eliminating all development variables.

It is not easy to make the right technological choices for an activity to become more efficient, with every component and feature in line with this goal to create a perfect production flow. The secret of a company’s success lies in focusing on the details to be able to innovate by simplifying solutions. Kodak with Sonora plates wants to support companies in this process of change, providing efficient solutions, ensuring quality, productivity, ease of use and sustainability.

With the development of Sonora X Plates in 2018, Kodak opened this technology to a much wider segment of the market, including those with more demanding performance requirements. Next-generation Sonora XTRA Process Free Plates, introduced in 2021, offer even faster imaging speeds, dramatically improved image contrast and more robust handling. These enhancements give to even more users the possibility to switch over process-free technology: today, Sonora products are in use by more than 5,000 printers worldwide.

According to Kodak estimate replacing traditional plates with Sonora plates this would really have important repercussions for the planet: 3.3 million liters less chemical agents for plates development; 24 million kWh of electricity and 507 million liters of water less in one year!