SOMA to display its automatic S-Mount plate mounter – Hall 9 Stand K08


On the stand the company will demonstrate its SOMA S-Mount automatic plate mounting device, and will also be available to talk about its flexo presses and finishing equipment.

Plate mounting is a critical, time-consuming and costly manual activity in flexo printing. An effective, automated plate mounting system can speed up workflows, as well as offering further improvements to the printing process in terms of consistent accuracy of plate mounting. The intuitive user interface in combination with cloud-based job recipes allows the operator to efficiently mount the plates, while minimizing his/her errors. A significant option for the S-Mount plate mounter is the SOMA IRIS (Intelligent Register and Impression Setting) system, which can measure plate topography and register—a necessary condition for the automatic adjustment of register and impression pressure on the press. Because it is versatile, the S-Mount system can mount flexo plates for presses with different air cylinder diameters and sleeve widths, and adapts to different pre-setting systems for print parameters.

The SOMA S-Mount plate mounting system is offered in three versions with different levels of automation. The user has the opportunity to invest in an efficient manual system with the ability to upgrade to automation or fully automation, if needed.

SOMA is also pleased to discuss its next-generation SOMA Optima² CI flexo press. It is equipped with new Intelligent Automation features that boost efficiency and minimize operator errors. In doing so, print quality is better and press operation is more efficient.

One company that has invested in a SOMA S-Mount A 1300 plate mounter, along with a SOMA Optima2 flexographic press, is Masterpack S.P.A. The privately owned family business headquartered in Veruno is known for its high quality package manufacturing and flawless service, exporting products throughout Europe and even into North America. The company has always been interested in specialization—not only of conventional packaging products, but also on special products that offer added value customer packaging.

“SOMA looks forward to talking with printers and converters at the PRINT4ALL exhibition,” says Matteo Melegatti, SOMA Area Sales Manager for Italy. “We know there are many other cutting-edge companies who could benefit from SOMA’s advanced products. We want to be able to show what SOMA technology can do for them”.