Simec Group announces that Fabio Vincenzi has joined as CBDO

Fabio Vincenzi new Chief Business Developer Officer Flexible Packaging Division of Simec Group

Simec Group announces that Fabio Vincenzi has joined as CBDO Simec Group is glad to inform that Mr. Fabio Vincenzi has joined as Chief Business Development Officer of the Flexible Packaging Division.
Mr. Vincenzi will bring his twenty-year experience in the international sale of equipments destined to the flexible converting industry. His deep knowledge and experience have matured over the years thanks to his activity in companies of great international prestige, such as the Nordmeccanica Group for coating and lamination, and Uteco Group for the sale of flexographic printing machines.
Fabio’s entry into Simec organization will give rise to a process of sectoralisation of the Group’s sales structure which will facilitate the introduction of new innovative sales models designed for the various industrial sectors where Simec operates.