OMET India opens to the Indian market with an inaugural event


    OMET India, the new OMET technical-commercial subsidiary in New Delhi, was officially inaugurated on November 29, 2019, in the presence of over 80 protagonists of the Indian printing industry, including printers, suppliers and brand owners. 

    From the left, Pawandeep Sahni (Managing Director of OMET India), Andrea Calcagni (International Strategy and Business Development Manager of OMET), Harveer Sahni (Chairman of Weldon Celloplast), Marco Calcagni (Sales & Marketing Director of OMET), Venkatesh (Printronics), KD Sahni (Weldon Celloplast).

    OMET adds a new element to its constellation of branches around the world: after OMET Americas in Elk Grove Village – Chicago (IL), OMET Suzhou in China and OMET Iberica in Barcelona, OMET India was officially opened on November 29, 2019. This is a strongly growing, where OMET is well established thanks to the long-term collaboration with the local agent Weldon Celloplast, who led the installation of over 30 printing machines. The investment in these new OMET offices is aimed at consolidating sales and at increasing the technical customer service.
    Many OMET customers attended the presentation of the new offices, among which we can mention Any Graphics, Zircon and Renault, which already works with several OMET machines. Local printers, suppliers and brand owners took part in the aperitif that introduced the official presentations of the hosts: firstly, Harveer Sahni, chairman of Weldon Celloplast, spoke about the birth of the collaboration with OMET since the Nineties, when he met Mr. Angelo Bartesaghi, founder of OMET, during his visit to India.

    Andrea Calcagni explains OMET India’s vision

    Marco Calcagni, OMET Sales & Marketing Director, spoke about the OMET group and officially introduced his son, Andrea Calcagni, who recently joined the company as International Strategy and Business Development Manager, and is currently in India to work with Pawandeep Sanhi to develop the new OMET business in New Delhi. Andrea gave information about the OMET India vision, about the development of OMET’s presence in the Indian subcontinent.
    “OMET India with its partners Weldon Celloplast and Printronicsa has already a team of over 10 engineers on board and started training other Indian engineers to serve its customers around the world – said Andrea Calcagni -. We are working to make India a center of competence for global company operations, work has already begun in that direction “.
    “OMET counts many installations in over 100 countries – added Marco Calcagni – and we believe that many of these countries can be served directly from India in a better way. This subsidiary will allow OMET to improve its technical service, its technology and focus on new innovations. OMET is investing in the Indian market and is working for both short and long term results”.
    Pawandeep Sanhi, Managing Director of OMET India, concluded the presentation by thanking all the participants: “The new branch is a center of excellence for OMET that will lead to an improvement of the customized technical service for our partners. Being closer to our customers will help us to understand their needs. We aim to improve the customer experience starting from when the customer places an order until the machine is installed and works at optimal levels, allowing the customer to fully exploit the potential of OMET printing machines, such as performance and production efficiency, while ensuring the highest quality”.