MITO: focus on die-cutting and packaging with innovative systems


With the arrival of the autumn season, MITO srl takes stock of its commitment in the packaging sector: the focus is on the innovative Perivo products which, as confirmed by the tests carried out, allow effective savings in the die-cutting process.

Mito_perivo separatieraSince 1993 Perivo has been supplying products and accessories for the most popular machines such as Bobst, Iberica, Heidelberg/WPM, Sanwa, SBL, Yoco, Asahi, Perivo has customers in more than 70 countries.

The keys to this success are constant technical research to obtain cutting-edge solutions, a large availability of parts ready in stock and first-rate service. Customer satisfaction and many international awards make Perivo a brand in its own right in the panorama of supplies for die-cutting machines.

Die-cutting and the revolutionary Perivo Quick Lock System

MitoFor the die-cutting section, not only Resocell tables and countless types of plates and frames are available but also the possibility of replacing the existing die-holder frame with the well-established Quick-Lock system which drastically reduces job changeover times. It is a revolutionary, high-precision coupling made with the best materials that allows the frame to be positioned very quickly and then kept stable throughout the entire production cycle. This upgrade can also be achieved on less modern machines and allows, thanks to the clear reduction in downtime, to increase productivity in an impressive way, allowing a rapid return on investment. To consistently complete the entire commissioning phase, the Quick-Lock system and Perivo frames are of course also available for the extraction and separation groups. The other Perivo branded accessories that stand out for their construction quality are the extraction needles which, thanks to a very stable architecture, to high-performance buffer springs and low wear rate, always maintain the exact same height even after millions of strokes. It is important to remind that thanks to a high level of engineering and modular construction it is possible, unlike competing products, to repair many Perivo items with the simple replacement of just one component instead of the entire block.

Rotary die cutting and Dicar know-how

Mito_AnvilokThe other autumn news concerns rotary die-cutting machines and printer slotters with the renewed range of Dicar products. This name, with a long history behind it and a series of exclusive products distributed all over the world, also needs no introduction. Let’s remember, among many, the covering strips of the Anvilok 2 cylinders with the patented coupling system which allows rapid installation and a precise pressure area even on the joint. They are composed of a high quality polymer support that ensures long runs and with a fiberglass back positioning is very easy. They are currently the recognized state-of-the-art in the sector and are dedicated to those who want the best performance from their machine with maximum reliability over time. Dicar catalog is full of other products such as Pullband magnetic belts, Crushless wheels, accessories for introduction benches, Mito_CrushlessSafety Steps to create a pedestrian passage on roller conveyors and much more. To better help the customer’s orientation, it is important to remember once again the attention that Mito srl dedicates to supporting him in his evaluations to make production processes more efficient. Mito is aware of the importance of choosing the right tool and knowing the limits and possibilities of current technologies and materials is essential to make an informed choice. For this reason it is important to have reliable partners such as Perivo and Dicar.