MITO consolidates its leadership in the paperboard industry


In 2024, MITO srl once again confirms its position as the leading player in the supply sector for paperboard production, thanks to its well-established creasing matrices available in various formats and types.

“This is a very interesting time for the paperboard market, but unfortunately, there is also a lot of confusion. Many new products and trends seem more fashionable than authentic, leading to unmet expectations. We’ve reached a point where many customers feel disoriented and no longer want complications but instead demand clear and measurable results. We have kept our feet on the ground and, thanks to our technical expertise, strive to offer the most reliable solutions with the right quality/price ratio. With this approach, we consolidated our presence in the paperboard sector in 2024 with punctual service and a new system for controlling production tolerances that ensures maximum precision for our creasing matrices. The C&T group, of which we are a part, experienced significant international growth last year, and we are proud to have contributed with our ‘Made in Italy’ products, particularly appreciated for their originality. For 2025, we are working to improve our offerings for certain market segments that require tailored solutions and services. We also plan to review our production processes to make them even more efficient. I think it will be an intense year full of exciting challenges, but I am confident that at MITO, we have the tools and capabilities to tackle even the most complex situations. The packaging world is clearly evolving and is trying to move past the maximalist and utopian approach of a certain green vision, leaning instead towards solutions that favor the right compromise between efficiency and environmental sustainability. Of course, we and our partners will be present at Print4All to assist our clients on this sensitive topic, but we’ll have more to say about that in the future”, states Giuseppe Mitolo, CEO of the company.