Lohmann awarded by EcoVadis for its commitment to sustainability

Ralph Uenver, Director Sustainability at Lohmann.
Ralph Uenver, Director Sustainability at Lohmann

Lohmann has received a silver medal from EcoVadis for sustainability. It was the first time the company had taken part in the certification process and met the requirements at the first attempt. The certificate applies to all Lohmann sites worldwide and underscores the company’s sustainability efforts.

EcoVadis, the leading provider of CSR/sustainability assessments, enables companies to assess a supplier’s CSR and sustainability performance using a collaborative CSR assessment platform. The underlying methodology complies with the international GRI/G4 and ISO 26000 guidelines. Reason enough for Lohmann to meet the requirements of EcoVadis for the first time and to make the leap from a standing start into the best list of the most sustainable, international companies.

The sustainability experts from EcoVadis examined the company’s activities in the areas of environment, labor and human rights (social), ethics and sustainable procurement on the basis of guidelines and certificates. Lohmann scored well in all areas. For example, the company received 70 out of a possible 100 points for its environmental commitment. With the silver certificate, the third highest award within the rating, EcoVadis rated Lohmann’s sustainability commitment as “structured” and “proactive”.

The principle that a company can only be successful in the long term if it combines innovative strength and sustainability is firmly anchored in Lohmann’s corporate values.

“With this measure, we have impressively demonstrated our sustainability efforts, also in comparison to our market competitors, and we want to expand them even further in the future. Currently, for example, we are working on implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and aim to be climate neutral by 2035.” says Ralph Uenver, Director Sustainability at Lohmann.