Laminati Cavanna celebrates 55 years of activity and looks to the future with renewed optimism


Last April 20th Laminati Cavanna celebrated 55 years of history with a brunch in the company with the presence of all 55 collaborators. The business, in fact, began on 15 April 1969 with Giancarlo Cavanna who founded the company which has been led by his daughter Anna Paola for 5 years.

Laminati Cavanna

A company party, as it should be, but also a moment of celebration for the entire territory of the Municipality of Calendasco (Piacenza), where Laminati Cavanna has always had its headquarters. The occasion for the celebration was that of the 55 years of activity of the company founded in 1969 by Giancarlo Cavanna, a far-sighted entrepreneur who was able to carve out his own space within the flexible packaging converting sector. The company, in fact, has always been the reference Italian contractor for lamination in a sector, that of flexible packaging, which is currently undergoing great development and has significant growth potential.

“We are very happy to have organized a simple party, but full of meaning and emotions, within our production facility, in the presence of Filippo Zangrandi, Mayor of Calendasco who has always supported our initiatives and our collaborators who reside for most of them in the territory”, begins Anna Paola Cavanna, president of the company.

Investments in technology


Under the guidance of Anna Paola the company has already experienced stages that we can consider milestones in the history of a productive reality, such as for example the support to the Ethical Packaging Charter, of which Anna Paola Cavanna is proud ambassador, a document that commits the companies to produce packaging respecting its values , but also many technological investments, a couple of which are of strategic importance and confirmed just during Covid, which hit this area particularly hard. Investment in technology is already fundamental in itself for every type of production company, but it is probably even more for those who place themselves on the market solely and exclusively as a contractor.

Last, but not in order of importance, also the investment in the treatment equipment of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions and recovery of ethyl acetate, inaugurated on 28 October 2023, which will soon allow Laminati Cavanna, which already reuses the regenerated solvent for its own production, also to sell it to other companies. “Without forgetting that thanks to this investment, which for us represents a flagship and a decisive step towards sustainable packaging production, we will have around 50 fewer trucks circulating to and from our factories every year”, adds Anna Paola.

Two investments in auxiliary technologies (cameras) are planned for this year to improve quality and production control in the lamination phase to offer an increasingly complete service to customers.

The importance of human capital

Laminati Cavanna aziendaTechnologies and investments are important, but for Anna Paola, who cares a lot about relationships and human relations, inside and outside her own reality, her collaborators are of primary importance. Laminati Cavanna has always had a high loyalty rate, with people who joined at a very young age and then reached retirement age without ever changing companies. “We are also in a phase of renewal at a personnel level. Last September retired our accountant Maurizio Bergamaschi after 42 years of honorable service, and we revised our organizational chart, with the appointment of Carlo Fornaroli as general manager with us for 25 years, and of a new production manager Ivan Lucev, who started with us in 2006, and after an apprenticeship in the department logistics manager, for us it was logical for him to become production manager. This year we will also appoint the new quality manager, who will be Cristiano Spagna who has been with us for several years”, adds Anna Paola Cavanna, highlighting how, if there is a willingness on the part of her collaborators to get involved, it is possible to reach high positions within her factory, a process she has always supported and stimulated and which certainly, if undertaken, can only benefit company productivity. A compact and cohesive team is also behind the success recently achieved in maintaining the double A for the BRC Packaging certification, which adds to the ISO 9001, while the ISO 14001 environmental certification is also planned for next year, without forgetting the path that Laminati Cavanna is taking to draw up its sustainability report, after writing the Ethical Code in 2021.

A look towards new markets

“This year began with various uncertainties on the market, we certainly noticed a drop in volumes compared to previous years, where however we experienced particular years, with important peaks. It is very difficult to make plans, which is also a prerogative of our work as subcontractors, indeed we are always available to satisfy the needs of our customers, both for their productions and for sampling or experiments on new materials and we do this through a very respectable fleet of machines: 3 solvent-based and 3 solvent-less lamination lines, 2 slitters and rewinders equipped with FUTEC cameras, in addition to the sleeve and rubberized cylinder grinding service, adds Anna Paola.

With these types of production system, Laminati Cavanna therefore places itself alongside printing and converting companies, which can count on a qualified partner for their production needs, but there is also the desire on the part of the company management to increasingly turn towards new markets, in addition to packaging, given that the company already serves very diversified sectors such as cable coating, construction, solar and photovoltaic, the credit card sector in combination with corporate know-how which must therefore be communicated and made known to the market.

Made in Italy Laminati Cavanna

Made in Italy day 2024: Laminati Cavanna together with DEC to celebrate Italian excellence

On the occasion of Made in Italy Day 2024, Laminati Cavanna organized, in collaboration with DEC • Dynamic Environmental Corporation, an open day, opening the doors of the production site located in Calendasco (PC). The event, promoted by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy and by ACIMGA (Confindustria), allowed 20 students from the 4D electrotechnical class of the IIS Marconi of Piacenza, thanks to the collaboration of the Principal of the Institute Raffaella Bellocchi, accompanied by professors Elena Foschi and Daniele Vetrucci, to discover up close how innovative technologies and sustainable processes applied to the world of packaging are used. The event is part of the rich calendar of events that took place throughout Italy as part of Made in Italy Day 2024, with the aim of enhancing manufacturing excellence and Italian culture. Laminati Cavanna S.p.A., which has always been active in collaboration with local school and training system, wanted to seize this opportunity to involve the new generations and make them aware of the importance of Made in Italy, not only as a symbol of manufacturing excellence, but also as a cultural and identity value.