Intergraf welcomes new EU Ecolabel for printed products


    The European Commission has adopted a Decision establishing the new criteria for the EU Ecolabel for printed  paper, stationery paper and paper carrier bag products

    The new EU Ecolabel has an extended scope. lt covers stationery, paper carrier bags, paper wrapping and gift paper. Packaging, labels and food contact materials are excluded from the scope.
    The EU Ecolabel is awarded to sustainably designed products meeting 10 strict environmental criteria which are both product­ specific (substrate, recyclability) and plant-specific (emissions, waste, energy).
    lntergraf contributed to the review process and was instrumental in securing that applicants can license a product line. Generally, the EU Ecolabel is granted to a product for which the specifications will not change over time. Printed products are designed by customers. One production will be different from the next. The new EU Ecolabel recognises this singularity and allows companies to make an application fora product line.
    “The new EU Eco/abe/ far printed products al/ows European printers to demonstrate the environmental performance of their products and processes. lt recognises the specificity of printed products and enables printers to apply far a product fine and not only far a single product”, says Beatrice Klose, Secretary General of lntergraf.
    lntergraf has published a guide to help printing companies who wish to apply for the EU Ecolabel. Printing companies can request the lntergraf Guide to the EU Ecolabel for Printed Paper via their national tracie association.