Greenplast, an exhibition-congress dedicated to sustainability


Promaplast presents Greenplast, that will take place from the 3rd to the 6th of May 2022, Fiera Milano. It will be dedicated to materials, technologies, and converting processes for plastics and rubber, with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, recovery and recycling of materials, and energy efficiency.

Greenplast will feature an international conference, hosting world renowned speakers who will discuss key issues relating to the trade fair: environmental sustainability and the circular economy, especially as they relate to packaging and plastic products.

But why did the organizers of Plast, which will take place in 2023, decide to propose this event? During the press conference that announced it, Dario Previero, president of Promaplast and Amaplast, the association of Italian manufacturers of machines and plants for the transformation of plastics, made it clear. “To fill this exhibition gap before Plast 2023, but also because environmental issues are having a great impact on the plastics sector, there are new regulatory aspects, changes in consumer habits, so we would like that Greenplast becomes almost a laboratory of ideas, not just a showcase for technologies and materials”. Greenplast will take place simultaneously with Ipack-Ima, dedicated to packaging technologies, and the related events Print4All, Intralogistica Italia and Pharmintech, and the “concomitance of the two events is not accidental, the affinity between the two sectors is confirmed by the fact that around 50% of packaging is made of plastics and consumers are demanding sustainable products. The contemporaneity will therefore make it possible to show different production worlds united by a strong complementarity: the project is designed to encourage opportunities for contact and development, making a complete offer available to visitors, thanks to the transversal nature of Greenplast and Ipack-Ima and the experience of the respective organizers”, says Mario Maggiani, director of Amaplast and CEO of Promaplast

The leading Italian and international companies will have the chance to show their innovative solutions for environmental sustainability in the halls of the fairgrounds: virgin, low-impact, low-carbon-footprint raw materials, secondary raw materials, biopolymers, additives; semi-finished and finished products made from innovative, recycled, or biologically sourced materials; machinery, equipment, and systems that combine low energy consumption with high performance, high-efficiency processing and are able to use innovative, recycled and/or biologically sourced materials; systems and machinery for the selection, processing, and recycling of plastics and rubber, both in-line and post-consumption; support and consulting services for plastics and rubber production generally (from injection moulding to extrusion, from blow moulding to thermoforming, etc.) and recovery and recycling; public corporations, consortia, and organizations active in plastics and rubber recycling.