Fossaluzza at CCE International – Hall A4 Stand 2446


Providing your company with top of the range peripheral machines that are especially reliable and digitally interconnected at 360°, it means to leave space for your real business. And Fossaluzza sees obstacles and limits as necessary to move forward.

After 45 years of direct experience in the field, installations all over the world and one R&D dedicated to every single new project, the Fossaluzza TEAM is glad to announce, during the forthcoming CCE International edition, its new conception, rigorously 100% Made in Italy: we are speaking of a Vacuum stripper stacker for RDC with staggering performances.

“Our mission has always wanted to be to leave the maximum freedom of expression to our customers. Our objectives were to completely eliminate the risks of operation breakdown, to ensure precision and serenity to the whole line, to guarantee the maximum digital interconnection. In order to reach those goals, the reliability of the components, the power and the interconnection of every single machine element had to reflect standards top of the range”, Tiziano de Vido owner of the company.

The second solution that Fossaluzza will present during the event is the palletizer Charlie SuperFast that had allowed the company of redefining the concept of speed and it is spearhead for highest speed lines.

“I remember the first tests carried out in Fossaluzza, the technicians were speechless. We provided the market with the speed and the precision needed on 2022 by the biggest groups in the world and our new Vacuum Stripper Stacker is placed itself too as high-performing pheripheral machine ables to leave free expression to the RDC of our customers”, concludes  Tiziano De Vido.