Fosber S.p.A officially announces Marco Bertola as the new CEO of the Fosber Group


Marco Bertola has worked in Fosber Group for more than 25 years with many important positions in Fosber Group, and been widely respected and appreciated. In 2016, Mr. Bertola was appointed by the Board of Directors to lead the development of the Fosber Group’s new business for Asia. Over the past 6 years, Mr. Bertola has led Fosber Asia to a proud success.

As the new CEO of the Fosber Group, Mr. Bertola will lead the continuous and steady growth of the Fosber Group, follow Fosber Group’s business concept and values, and continuously focus on investment in new technologies, new products and customer needs.

Former CEO Mr. Massimiliano Bianchi has resigned from all positions in Fosber Group and its subsidiaries due to personal reasons. We would like to thank Mr. Bianchi for his years of contribution to a stronger Fosber Group.

Fosber Group is confident that with the support of customers, the company will achieve a greater influence in the corrugated industry.