“Flexible near future 5.0” – The future of packaging is ever closer


The two-day event, 24-25 October, at Monza headquarters of Digital Flex, organized in collaboration with I&C Gama and Esko, was focused on future technological trends destined to influence the packaging sector, from prepress to printing

Digital Flex futuro packaging

“The beacon of the situation in the flexographic prepress sector has always been here”, began Andrea Vergnano, senior executive vice president of Digital Flex, in front of an audience of Italian customers and operators of flexo printing and converting sector, recalling the famous motto coined by his father Renato to underline the pioneering spirit that has always accompanied the company.

“We have decided to propose this meeting between printing and prepress professionals again after ten years to present the most advanced innovations in the sector. Back then we anticipated the trends that afterwards had become a must and this is what we aim to do today too”, continues Vergnano.

A path where technology and investments have always represented the beating heart of Digital Flex’s activity, as confirmed by the recent acquisition of a new automatic line for the development of clichés, which will be installed shortly, the opening in 2019 of a department for direct engraving of elastomer sleeves with the first laser system and the introduction, last year, of a second laser system, the creation of a new IT infrastructure and a dedicated server room and finally the design of a new ERP, still in development phase.

Reflect and innovate with projects like the one proposed by Markplate

sante conselvan futuro packagingDopo un’introduzione di Sante Conselvan di I&C che ha invitato le imprese a confrontarsi, condividere esperienze e collaborare per innovare le tecnologie, ha sicuramente attirato l’attenzione il concreto intervento di Andrea Zanatto di Markplate, rappresentata da Esagrafica, con la presentazione di un rivoluzionario progetto dedicato alla marcatura e codifica delle lastre flexo.

After an introduction by Sante Conselvan of I&C who invited companies to discuss, share experiences and collaborate to innovate technologies, the concrete intervention by Andrea Zanatto of Markplate, represented by Esagrafica, with the presentation of a revolutionary project dedicated to marking and coding of flexo plates.

This system allows the sharing of all information related to orders, simplifying the management of job from start to finish. Markplate is a technology that allows to print on the plate a code that can be read by normal 2D barcode readers. This solution is not just a marking system, but a flexible data sharing platform that connects the manufacturer of ready to print plates with the printer in a completely new way”, said Andrea.

A bold and ongoing project also thanks to the precious support of Digital Flex who is currently conducting internal tests to confirm its effectiveness and impact within its activity.

Automation and color management increasingly advanced

As regards the pre-press phases, Giovanni Vigone, Regional Business Director Esko per Italia, Spagna, Portogallo e Maghreb, and Boris Gruppo, Application Sales Manager of Esko, presented the distinctive characteristics of Esko ecosystem, a series of software and hardware that allow to manage easily the entire process, from processing the graphic file to plate imaging, all aimed at increasingly advanced automation and information sharing through the WebCenter platform.

Digital Flex

Reflex color proofing: a digital breakthrough for color proofing

futuro packaging

Another novelty, recently introduced in Digital Flex is Reflex color proofing presented by Giancarlo Carbutti, freelancer and Emanuela Foladori of Join Srl. It is an exclusive end-to-end digital printing system created specifically for the production of color proofs directly on the original print substrate. This technology allows for fully integrated color management and guarantees optimal quality of the printed proof thanks to the use of four-colour printing plus orange, green, blue and white. The name “Reflex” was evocatively chosen because the output produced reflects the final print result, creating a real mockup in all respects.

“The objective of Digital Flex is to provide the customer with a color proof that is no longer on paper, reproducing the final print result and therefore transforming the color proof into a look & feel prototype”, declared Giancarlo Carbutti.

Thanks to this innovative solution capable of printing on any material, the customer will be able to have a more realistic view of packaging, which is why this product aroused great interest among people present at event.

Digital Flex

Management and control: when data makes the difference

Sante Conselvan, Dario Cavalcoli and Stefano De Paolis of I&C Gama Group highlighted the importance of data and presented solutions for the management and control of big data with a focus dedicated to the management of ink consumption, which today can be precisely certified.

“Change, competition, growth, critical issues, decisions, are very important for a company and data are the common thread that connects all these elements, understanding them allows to outline the development and future of the company” underlined Dario Cavalcoli.

Furthermore, a new partnership was announced between I&C and the Spanish company Twen, specialized in the design and construction of laser systems for cleaning aniloxes, which has produced a new technology, available in Italy from January 2024, which allows to wash 6 to 8 aniloxes at the same time.

At the end of the event, Davide Pesenti, managing director and technical manager of Camis, presented the advantages of the fully automatic system for mounting clichés, which stands out for its simplicity, speed and ease of use. This system optimizes the quality of the print register and reduces makeready times.

The two days of the “Flexible Near Future 5.0” event concluded with a visit to the factory, which allowed participants to closely observe the characteristics of these technical solutions capable of tracking the future of packaging.