Etic.a Labels: when philosophy weds engineering

    From the left: Gianni Olivieri, Patrizia Windfang, Lorenzo Lombardi and Enrico Gandolfi at Lombardi’s stand at Labelexpo

    Etic.a of Pomezia, a company founded on two diametrically opposite sciences, philosophy and engineering, today is at the cutting edge in an innovative printing method of labels aimed at a number of niches in the packaging market.
    There are many ways to define a label: it has been called “the party dress” of the product. More pragmatic is the definition given by Patrizia Windfang and Gianni Olivieri, the founders of Etic.a of Pomezia: the quality of a product begins with the label.
    The collaboration and strong relationship between the Etic.a founders and the Lombardi family started a decade ago and is based on the quality of the machines and the after -sales service but more fundamentally on the feeling that Patrizia and Gianni have established with the Lombardi family and which is the envy of many suppliers and customers.
    “The Digistar – says Gianni Olivieri – is the machine we have been waiting for because its characteristics of productivity and quality that can make us very competitive both in terms of product quality and price in the markets we are aiming to develop”.
    A considered choice knowing the relationship between the two companies: “After all, – adds Gianni – our relationship with Lombardi started from a decisive decision following an in-depth market research at the beginning of 2014 when we evaluated all the main suppliers of flexo printing machines. After seeing a Lombardi machine at work with one of their clients, we felt it was the one with the best value for money on all fronts”.

    It goes without saying that it is not enough to buy a good machine to seal the relationship between supplier and customer. We often hear printers complaining about feeling “abandoned” after buying a machine. “With Lombardi – Olivieri emphasizes – it is the exact opposite. Since the first installation we have experienced their level of after-sales service and, therefore, it has been easy to continue with them”.

    But now we come to the reasons that led to this latest choice, Digistar
    “Specifically, we are looking to increase our market share of higher value labels: we are referring above all to labels for wine and cosmetics. We need to view this new investment from this aspect. We note that Etic.a produces self-adhesive labels aimed particularly at the food and large-scale sectors, cosmetics and automotive. It targets medium-large customers who can appreciate the quality of the product and the service which leads to maintaining a long-lasting collaboration. Etic.a, therefore, has a highly skilled graphics office that helps the customer in making the best choices in designing and producing labels.

    Let’s take a closer look at Etic.a
    The visit to Pomezia is useful to give us a better understanding of Etic.a, how it came into being, not forgetting its corporate philosophy. Philosophy. A term this time appropriate, considering that Patrizia Windfang, co-founder of the company, has a degree in philosophy. Studies that have then been applied to the understanding of the logic and needs of the distribution market, starting with the weighing and control systems for the industry.
    If we then add Gianni’s engineering degree with experience also in Information Technology, the scene is set for the appearance of a label industry in capital letters.
    “Our company originated with precise aims and objectives: to create value while respecting the context in which it is used. All this starts from initiatives aimed at the personal and professional growth of our employees, through environmental concern, thanks to ecological choices and certification, to a set of good practices, based on correctness and transparency, the values we follow in the management of all our professional relationships”. And this is where the name comes from: Etic.a, which makes it very clear it needs to have its personal style of business management.
    “Our collaborators must feel they play a central role in the company’s development. It is no coincidence that on the page relating to the printing technologies on our website we have written”… the difference we make comes from people and their passion and competence”.

    So not just machines but people

    “We consider people fundamental to our development projects and therefore promote their personal growth, their professional development and awareness of their role within the company. Our every choice is shared, as far as possible, and then communicated with its motivations. We are aware of the importance of the group and the need to work as a team”.

    A challenge based on skills
    Another fact that cannot be ignored is that the company was born in an extremely difficult period in the Italian economy: 2008. In the 1990’s the founders joined forces and skills by founding Sistematica to supply trade weighing systems integrated into production systems. At the end of 2008, driven by customer requests and desire to face a new challenge, the Etic.a project was launched, resulting in the production of self-adhesive labels in July 2009.
    “We celebrated our first ten years of activity by inaugurating a new, much bigger warehouse more suited to the development projects we want to pursue”.

    So, let’s have a look at this project
    We have completely renewed the machinery line and introduced digital technology and to enhance the labels we have installed the new technologies of a 430mm high-performance range. This is the Digistar”.
    But in addition to the machines directly involved in production, the investments are aimed at quality control and human resources.
    “We started investing heavily in control and reporting tools for production activities, in the light of an Industry 4.0 perspective. But our most important investments are people:  in every business area there are professionals who are passionate about their work and have a deep belief in the company project”.

    All this, not forgetting the environment and not just as a matter of fashion
    “In recent months, wanting to encourage the “green” direction of the packaging world, we have developed projects based on sustainability. Our goal, in fact, is to become a seedbed to draw ideas from to support our customers in the choice of increasingly eco-sustainable materials”.

    Looking to the future
    We want to be a reliable and long-term partner for our old and new customers. This is the reason for our insistence on a very high level of product service at the best possible price. To this end we will continue our investments in technologies for press, instruments for control and personnel training”.