DuPont™ Cyrel® Solutions’ Lightning Plates win 2022 FTA Technical Innovation Award


Cyrel® Lightning plates technology by DuPont™ Cyrel® Solutions received the prestigious 2022 FTA Technical Innovation Award. The award ceremony took place yesterday, March 13, during the FTA Forum. “We are deeply honored to receive this outstanding achievement, which highlights the power of our science to raise the bar on plate performance. The judging process was extremely competitive with a variety of distinctive products being submitted for evaluation, and we’re grateful for this special recognition by our peers”, said Tucker Norton, Global Business Leader at Cyrel® Solutions.

The new Cyrel® Lightning plate family is optimized for UV-LED exposure units to make full use of this system’s capabilities. The benefits of the plates include a further optimized match between access time and plate performance, while not compromising the print quality. Previously, exposure settings on LED units often had to be adjusted for either higher quality or shorter access time. The Cyrel® Lightning plates challenge this as they were formulated from the ground up with UV-LED exposure characteristics in mind. The Cyrel® LSH represents the first photopolymer plate of the Lightning family. It is solvent processable and currently available in 045 and 067 gauges.