The company, located in Marcianise (CE) and led by Domenico Raccioppoli has been the protagonist in recent years of a significant growth, with various acquisitions, which have allowed it to expand its business and diversify its trade. animated by...
From 6 to 10 June Simonazzi organized an open house at its headquarters in Pessano con Bornago (Mi) to present its range of products and technologies for narrow web printing. An informal event that saw the participation of 25...
Just over two years have passed since the first interview with Edoardo Fonti, a young and dynamic entrepreneur who, since 2017, has approached the flexo printing and converting market with the company Eco Air. Today, thanks to the desire...
In a sector where the big players in the market do not always get involved, Expert Srl of San Martino Buon Albergo (Verona) offers a Model of Gearless Flexographic Printing Stack Press with characteristics of stability, accuracy of register...
It was one of the most animated and therefore visited stands of the last edition of Print4All, partly because one of the few with a printing machine in operation, but also and above all for the idea of an...
A highly successful event was the presentation of Koenig & Bauer's new Evo XC Max flexo central drum during two print events on 22 and 23 June at the company's Tavazzano (Lodi) site, seen 'in action' on a high-definition...
With a great show of resourcefulness, a few days after the announcement of the cancellation of Labelexpo, Durst announced that from 26 to 29 April at its futuristic headquarters in Bressanone, there would be an event dedicated to customers...
With its new state-of-the-art production facility in Germany, Siegwerk not only strengthened its footprint in Europe securing fast lead times and highest quality consistency for its customers in the EMEA region, but also enabled the manufacturing of modern ink...
The new organisational structure for the business with CI flexo presses is starting to bear fruit – the first two CI flexo presses assembled in Würzburg have left the factory after successful acceptance testing. Within the framework of the...
Miraclon is launching Kodak Flexcel NX Central Software, offering customers a step change in their flexo platemaking productivity. Enabling manual plate layout time savings of up to 90% and boosting plate utilization by up to 10%, this next generation...