Asahi Photoproducts – Hall 5 Stand A34


Asahi Kasei has developed a specific roadmap towards a Solvent ZERO solution that will help platemaking operations not only be more sustainable, but create a safer, more enjoyable work environment for their most valuable asset – their employees – as they migrate to a Solvent ZERO operation.


At Labelexpo Europe 2023, Asahi Photoproducts will also be introducing its updated AWPTM waste water recycling unit for use with AWPTM plate processing systems. The Asahi Photoproducts water-washable AWPTM-DEW CleanPrint flexographic plates have been certified Carbon Neutral by the Carbon Trust. In addition, to increase sustainability of its platemaking solutions even more, Asahi has developed this innovative water recycling system for AWPTM plate processing equipment. The unit features proprietary filtering technology developed by Asahi Kasei that reduces wastewater by 75%, and detergent usage by 40%. In a standard 10-hour-per-day plate processing operation, the system can process plates up to 38 sqm (410 sqft). This further increases sustainability in flexographic operations.

This filtering technology, under the brand Microza®, is Asahi Kasei’s hollow fiber membrane separation technology that delivers cutting-edge water treatment capability, as well as a wide range of uses in other industrial processes. In the AWPTM wastewater recycling unit, this technology has been optimized to meet increasingly strict regulations on wastewater discharge. The filtering cartridge can be easily replaced, with the replacement frequency depending on the customer’s plate production volume; and the small amount of treated wastewater can be collected by a contractor for disposal.

Asahi WAsteWaterGraph

Le lastre lavabili ad acqua e ad emissioni zero AWPTM e CleanFlat rappresentano l’approccio più sostenibile alla produzione di lastre flessografiche. In occasione della fiera, Asahi Photoproducts distribuirà un white paper informativo che illustrerà: l’importanza delle emissioni zero; la crucialità della tecnologia CleanPrint per l’ottenimento della certificazione; e sia il processo seguito dall’azienda per ottenere questo importante status sia i suoi progetti per il futuro. Inoltre, come parte della nostra roadmap verso un futuro a solventi ZERO per le realtà di produzione di lastre che attualmente utilizzano tecnologie di lavaggio con solvente, Asahi Photoproducts ha introdotto una lastra a basso consumo di solventi che aiuterà le aziende a compiere la necessaria transizione per eliminarli totalmente.

Carbon Neutral AWPTM and CleanFlat water-wash plates are the most sustainable approach to flexographic platemaking. At the show, Asahi Photoproducts will be distributing an informative white paper explaining why Carbon Neutrality is important, why the CleanPrint technology was a key element of obtaining this certification, and discussing both the process the company underwent to attain this important status as well as its plans for the future. In addition, as part of our roadmap to a Solvent ZERO future for those platemaking operations currently using solvent wash plate technologies, Asahi Photoproducts has introduced a low-solvent consuming plate that will help companies make the necessary transition to Solvent ZERO.