ICR: new investments in rotogravure


I.C.R. S.p.A., a printing company on the outskirts of Milan, in its almost 50 years of activity has always distinguished itself for the importance given to the research and development function, with a pioneering approach to the market’s technological innovations and promoting close collaboration with all the companies involved in rotogravure printing: from machinery manufacturers to producers of inks, adhesives, varnishes, etc.


ESKO‘s WebCenter software, which simplifies and tracks approval cycles, has been operational in the Repro department for a few weeks now, providing customers with the tools to verify the required features with maximum convenience and flexibility.  The software completes the automation of non-priority manual steps by seamlessly integrating with the Automation Engine software.

Hell’s Cellaxy, a machine for direct laser engraving on copper, but also on other materials, will soon be installed in the engraving department. This is the first installation in Italy at a rotogravure service.

The investment opens up new markets and possibilities for the company, allowing it to continue offering its customers and technology partners innovative solutions for the gravure market, according to sustainability projects for printing new materials and the use of green inks, and more.

The new direct laser engraving technology already looks to the future as an alternative solution to engraving cylinders on copper and then on chrome, for the possibility of engraving different materials that are being studied by technology manufacturers.

ICR continues to invest in Rotogravure, firmly believing that this technology is still the market reference for Brand Owners whose goal is quality, sustainable and repeatable packaging.