Filed BESTINFLEXO and FLEXODAY 2021 it is already time to think about the next FTA Europe Diamond Awards


We have already talked about the huge success of the last edition of BestInFlexo and FlexoDay 2021 last week, and now, one week after the closing of the two events, it is time to take stock for Atif staff, already projected at next FTA Europe Diamond Awards.

Regarding the award ceremony that saw the winners of the last two competitions, 2020 and 2021, director of ATIF Monica Scorzino explains the reasons for this choice: “we have not deliberately chosen to reward the competing companies in the 2020 edition in online mode, as other sister associations of FTA Europe have done, because participating and experiencing the emotion of nominations is something that cannot be transmitted digitally. And we realized how much the insiders missed the appointment. This year it was particularly complex to organize the awarding of two competitions: 28 categories to be awarded with the addition of anti-covid security procedures, but we were supported by the enthusiasm with which the participants joined the event. Now the appointment is with the flexo Champions League, the FTA Europe Diamond Awards which will see the awarding of the best in Europe on May 5 in Milan. We play at home, we hope to achieve other important successes”, concludes Scorzino.

“In addition to the support of the market, the success of these events is above all the result of the work of a great team”, adds Marco Gambardella, president of ATIF, “a team that sees everyone involved in the front line, from the structure to the members of the board, to members who voluntarily dedicate time and commitment to the work of the committees that feed the associative engine.

We never stopped and at FlexoDay 2021 we brought the tangible result of our work, from Doc 16 on screens, distributed at the event, to Doc 17 – From offset to flexo on corrugated cardboard – excellently illustrated by Gerardo Budetti coordinator of the Technical Committee, to Doc 15 – Ready for printing? – which Caterina De Gaetano, member of the working group on the document, presented in tandem with vice president Massimo Radice. And I also want to remember the Atif members who with their support for events allow us to deploy important resources to make our events more and more special and participatory. A team effort, in fact, but a team that is always open to all new players who want to take the field with us”, concludes Gambardella.

Flexo Day was unable to accommodate all interested parties this year due to the capacity limitations imposed by anti-covid procedures. A hundred users, however, were able to attend the conference through the live streaming that Atif made available. The recording of the event is now available on ATIF YouTube channel which can be accessed directly from this link: REGISTRATION FLEXO DAY 2021

While the rankings of Bestinflexo competitions 2020 and 2021 can be downloaded at this link.