RTS presents new modules to guarantee delivery times and increase global efficiency


    These three modules, developed as part of RTS Global platform, to optimize business safeguarding the application continuity: Order management with finite scheduling capacity (base and advanced version) and Commercial planning of production


    Luca Giacalone, RTS Functional Analyst Manager

    Always attentive to the needs of the corrugated cardboard industry, RTS has accepted market demands and developed these new modules. More and more companies are realizing the importance of accurately monitoring orders and production; the security of delivery date is a strong signal for end customers and a company that wants to be competitive cannot fail to equip itself with a business management system, such as RTS Global platform, which allows to harmonize business processes with new technological trends bringing a wide range of new features. But RTS wanted to do even more, “so in order to improve our solutions we decided to give to sales force tools that allow to set a delivery date in line with the actual production capacity, with the new order management with finite scheduling capacity and for commercial production planning”, says Luca Giacalone, RTS Functional Analyst Manager.
    For companies, it is essential to have planning solutions that ensure efficiency is maximized, customer needs are met by better organizing production plans. And as regards the management of orders, finite scheduling capacity is the most effective way, not only to understand what will actually be possible to produce in a given period of time but also to organize available resources in the best possible way. When a system operates following finite scheduling capacity, it essentially integrates sales function with that of logistics and production. “In this way users can plan so that operations proceed at an efficient pace, increasing profitability, eliminating waste and bottlenecks; never as today being competitive is fundamental and the customer must always be at the center of attention; moreover many companies in the sector are gearing up to offer just-in-time production and the increase in on-line purchases has increased the volumes of packaging required in a very short time, so planning orders and production deliveries is very important”, says Luca.



    The characteristics of the proposed solutions
    With the new management of the “Finite Scheduling Capacity Machine Loading”, basic version, RTS gives the possibility to guarantee the production capacity necessary to validate the delivery date promised to the customer. The functionality of RTS receives from MES (Manufacturing Execution System) of the plant the availability of the machines and connects it with the order portfolio and the jobs already planned. The customer service can manage the order package immediately, with more precision. This version is suitable for all companies.
    For companies that have a more structured customer service, is available the advanced version, which could almost be defined as a pre-programming tool of machines in production. Luca explains that “this latest version allows the sales force to plan the delivery of orders in line with the production capacity of the machines in order to guarantee the reliability of the delivery to the customer and to highlight any critical production issues; this version also allows you to reserve production spaces for high priority/urgent orders, so the sales force has the ability to manage directly the critical issues”.
    With both versions, you have the guarantee to be able to confirm an agreed delivery date by delivering the products to the customer when actually needed, creating an induced benefit with a reorganization of the order acquisition, with better distributed production, better delivery management and with the possibility of more efficient job planning.
    For those who want to go further, with Commercial Planning of Production module the machine capacity is managed to cover the maximum working hours. Each order takes into consideration the production schedule of the machine based on the previously associated orders, binding in this way the production date. The system determines the actual producibility period of the order and checks if there is enough time within the period to allocate the processing cycles defined in the technical data sheet of the order to produce the various types of products required.


    “Thanks to our solutions, corrugated cardboard operators, who often have to manage high and minimum production levels, will be able to make quick decisions respecting production constraints and improving customer service; obviously the optimization of the production will also lead to a warehouse managed in a more intelligent way because the supply of materials will take place more coherently with respect to the real needs of the production and also shipments will be more precise and organized: all this means reduced costs! The result is very appreciated and welcome by customers who have already installed these solutions, because the implementation of these software gives rise to a positive impact on all activities, which will be managed better in the present but above all the entrepreneur will have data and statistics available to use in the future, giving life to a virtuous circle that goes from the acquisition of data to any changes/investments to be even more productive and competitive”, concludes Luca.