2G&P doubles its headquarters and is thinking big


    It’s been more than one year since the restoration and expanding of productive spaces and graphic office, but 2G&P never stops and with the purchase of the adjacent shed, the spaces dedicated to production and offices will be furtherly doubled, bringing them at almost 2000 square metres, improving also the in-plant logistic and the warehouse.

    2G&P is continuing its growing path, confirming also for 2020 the sign plus for its turnover, also due to the lockdown period during which in the prepress service of Paderno Dugnano near Milan they did not lose even a working day.
    “Among the different sectors served by us, a big part regards food and hygienic-sanitary industry, so our Ateco code allowed us to go on with work. We spent the months of April and May producing printing plates at vertiginous rhythms”, exclaims Paolo Ghedini, 2G&P owner, telling us how it was fundamental being equipped of different productive lines in order to serve the market with timeliness and ensuring the usual high quality, even in the period of major stress.
    It has been a great test without any doubt, both for our collaborators but also for the customers that had once again the confirmation that they can rely on the support of a qualified partner, well organized and structured.
    The choice to offer a high quality has always been the target for Paolo Ghedini and his collaborators: the staff is using avantgarde technologies, steadily updated, to guarantee a high quality service and products. For this 2020, the most important news concerns the expanding of company headquarters, works begun right after holidays, that will bring 2G&P to get a doubled space, ready to insert new productive units.
    “We will expand the production and the graphic office, connecting the two structures and ensuring even more comfortable working spaces, but at the same time having the opportunity to implement the workforce and this takes place regularly since some years. Soon an operator will arrive in the graphic department, our company’s heart: with this last recruitment we will have 12 ArtPro operators. We also have some projects for further technological investment in the future and for this reason we are structuring ourselves by creating other spaces. I actually thought I had arranged the headquarters and above all the warehouse for a few years, but our growth in recent years urged me to review projects almost yearly”, says Ghedini smiling.

    In the new structure there will be a new dedicated access to incoming goods, with a new optimized logistics workflow to improve also the workflow and material movement along the various stages of the production process, up to shipping warehouse. In addition, will be created a company canteen, new changing rooms and a recreation area for employees. “I believe that to give the best when you are working, nothing should be left to chance, therefore I want to put my collaborators in the best possible operating conditions”, Ghedini says.

    Uncompromising quality and immediate delivery
    The pursuit of perfection and an excellent level of service are the cornerstones of this company, that now for some time has distinguished itself in the flexographic prepress market as a qualified partner able to serve the customer with incredibly short delivery times and in case of emergencies, bordering on the impossible. Covid emergency period has done nothing but underline this peculiarity. “I come across delivery times, emphasized as exceptional, that for us have become normal for some time” says Ghedini. “I don’t want to be top of the class but in the current market, in our sector, the need to combine a service of the highest quality, efficiency and speed has become an indispensable condition. Almost of our plates are delivered within 24 hours from approval, if we go further it is only after agreements with the customer who may have other urgencies and in the event of particular emergencies we deliver within a few hours if distances allow it. With some customers who have particular needs for the specificity of the job, we have agreements that lead us to deliver even in much less than 24 hours. We have three thermal lines, two solvent-based and three CDI which greatly help to satisfy the promptness requests that the market imposes today. The rest is achieved by a good organization and the will to feel truly ‘partners’ and not just suppliers. When a customer has a need, even if at the limit of feasibility, we feel it as ‘ours’ and we must indulge it”, concludes Ghedini, giving us an appointment for the inauguration of the end of enlarging works.