2G&P invests in workflow automation and chooses Intelligent Flexo for the creation of new patterns


After the latest investments in technology (Cyrel DuPont Fast 3000 TDI for which it performed the precious beta test function), the flexo service of Paderno Dugnano (Milan), 2G&P, has focused heavily on workflow automation. Also internally developed a new pattern for applying white (White Cell) in a single pass thanks to the new Intelligent Flexo software.

2G&P Paolo Ghedini
Paolo Ghedini, titolare di 2G&P

After the last few years characterized by heavy investments in infrastructure, with the purchase and arrangement of the new shed adjacent to the company headquarters, which also saw the insertion of a Cyrel DuPont Fast 3000 TDI for which 2G&P was chosen as beta test company worldwide, and with a significantly expanded production capacity, this flexo service has now focused its latest investments on a new management system integrated with specific Esko software for the sector, aiming at optimizing the workflow, with the goal of minimizing possible human errors and improving production times.

“We want to offer the market a product with the best value for money, where service and quality must necessarily be impeccable, because at a certain level, the market takes them for granted, and where the added value is given by professionalism acquired in 40 years of work. Today technology offered by the market is for everyone and is available to anyone who can invest, the difference is made by people and their ability to make the most of these technologies, as well as the awareness that working ‘together’ with the customer to obtain the best is the goal to be set and not only to produce systems that give the best possible margin and for this I also thank my collaborators who have shown over the years that they believe in this philosophy and in the company values. This is our vision and our path towards the pursuit of excellence”, begins Paolo Ghedini, owner of 2G&P.

2G&P lastreTo achieve this, an excellent organization is essential, having the right technologies available and people able to make the most of them, and above all able to understand business needs and adapt flexibly to times of urgency that often present themselves, but which, if managed well, solve the customer’s problem and guarantee loyalty and continuity in the relationship.

From the point of view of production technologies, today 2G&P is certainly well positioned on the market, to be able to serve customers even at 100% of their needs, with 3 CDI, 2 solvent-based lines, 3 thermal lines, 4 exhibitors, 2 finishing ovens, to guarantee operational continuity which is essential for working with certain realities that can never stop.

New management system for an automated workflow and Intelligent Flexo to improve white color rendering and inks laydown

The latest investment desired by Ghedini, and still in the finalization phase, given that it is a solution specifically designed to meet the needs of 2G&P, is a new management software whose development has been entrusted to Hybrid Software and which will guarantee a series of automations and controls in every phase of production process, optimizing times and reducing possible human errors, because all is verifiable in every phase even by the customer himself who can have access, through dedicated keys, to the system to verify the progress of his work. These tools are a precious ally for optimizing costs, reducing times and eliminating errors, thus being able to guarantee that excellent quality-price ratio, which is the right balance for maintaining the quality of the product and service offered, always in line with market standards and prices.

 lastraThe second investment, again in the software field, concerns the implementation of Intelligent Flexo by Hybrid Software, which allows 2G&P to build the patterns independently and to offer the market something more. “The tools we have available from technology suppliers are exceptional, but to obtain something more it is necessary to study and internally develop new procedures, paths or solutions capable of proposing innovations. Our team has developed some interesting new patterns, including for example the white pattern which has allowed some customers to achieve excellent laydowns in a single pass, when previously a double pass was required to guarantee the required coverage. With this pattern, the customer saves a significant amount of ink, obtaining uniformity and coverage never achieved before, adds Ghedini, also underlining that in a market where is increasingly required a customized production for each individual customer, being able to have tools capable to adapt to the various needs allows to get out of a logic of standardization of the offer that is badly combined with the needs of flexible packaging and labels market, 2G&P core business. “There are already several patterns on the market designed for this purpose, but we wanted to try to do more, we found the answers we wanted in this software and we succeeded. This is exactly what we were aiming for: a software that could allow interaction to obtain results different form the standard, where it is the experience of the team that uses it that leads to results and not the mere possession of the technology”.

2G&P: reliable partner for its customers

Another aspect on which 2G&P has always concentrated its efforts is the desire to be a highly reliable partner for its customers, a value that often is also rewarding from an economic point of view, because for the printer to be able putting clichés into the machine and starting production without any kind of problem has a high added value that is recognized to clichés supplier.

 prepress for flexible

Così come l’affidabilità nella valutazione e nella realizzazione dei lavori, con particolari e scrupolosi controlli a partire dall’esecuzione del primo PDF. “La “caccia all’errore” è estremamente onerosa per il cliente, così come attendere le eventuali correzioni sono una perdita di tempo. Questo è un feedback che mi rende particolarmente orgoglioso di aver ricevuto da diversi nostri clienti, che ci riconoscono una percentuale di errori estremamente bassa sul volume di ordini e ammettono di controllare il nostro lavoro con meno apprensione. Questo perché al nostro interno abbiamo attuato quattro fasi estremamente rigide di controllo e l’eventuale errore quando capita, difficilmente sfugge. Fermo il presupposto che l’errore umano non è eliminabile al 100%, in 2G&P facciamo di tutto affinché venga ridotto ai minimi termini. Nella nostra scala dei valori l’affidabilità è ai primissimi posti. Inoltre teniamo molto alla fiducia da parte del cliente, perché solo attraverso un rapporto limpido e trasparente si può costruire quel rapporto di “partnership” al quale da sempre miriamo. Il cliente deve “sentire” di potersi fidare di noi, deve sapere che in presenza di un problema, non troverà mai in noi persone pronte a cercare un colpevole ma professionisti pronti a risolvere il problema. Con professionalità e trasparenza si ottiene la fiducia del cliente, bene prezioso col quale si possono raggiungere grandi risultati”, conclude Ghedini. 

As well as the reliability in the evaluation and execution of the works, with particular and scrupulous checks starting from the execution of the first PDF. “The hunt for the error is extremely burdensome for the customer, just as waiting for any corrections is a waste of time. This is the feedback received by several customers that makes me particularly proud: they acknowledge us a percentage of errors extremely low on the volume of orders and they admit to check our work with less apprehension. This is because we have implemented four extremely strict control phases internally and any error, when it occurs, hardly escapes. Obviously human error cannot be eliminated 100%, but in 2G&P we do everything to ensure that it is reduced to the minimum terms. In our scale of values, reliability is at the very top. Furthermore, we care a lot about customer trust, because only through a clear and transparent relationship we can build that partnership relationship that we have always aimed for. The customer must ‘feel’ that he can trust us, he must know that in the presence of a problem, he will never find in us people ready to look for a culprit but professionals ready to solve the problem. With professionalism and transparency, the customer’s trust is obtained, a precious asset with which great results can be achieved”, concludes Ghedini.